Tuesday, July 10, 2012

hi, i'm new here.

well, not really. but i've been away for so long i feel like i should reintroduce myself. :)

suffice it to say, we've been a tad bit busy. (aren't we all, really?) and as i've said before, blogging sometimes seems like the most narcissistic thing in the world. i am quite aware that your worlds have turned steadily on as i've failed to blog and, one way or another, we've all made it to today.

congratulations, friend. :)

oh mercy, where to start. homeschooling has been such an incredible journey this past year. God has revealed SO. MUCH. in me that has needed to be refined and burned away. so much selfishness. so much ungratefulness. and while there are still rampant impurities, there is also a glimmer of proof that we're heading in the right direction. thank You GOD.

there have been so many things tumbling about in my mind these past few weeks. i've contemplated blogging about it all but i haven't known what to start with first. true confession here: i have several character flaws. (shocking, i'm sure.)

*i tend to procrastinate and i have adult a.d.d. (self-diagnosed, but still. i know. so does anyone else who REALLY knows me.)

*i have a hard time making decisions. big things, small things, makes no difference.

*i'm a people-pleaser and i tend to be very insecure as a result.

all of these contribute to my inability to just be honest and blog. but God is stirring up my heart and lovingly encouraging me to rest in Him and let go of these earthbound tendencies. i long for FREEDOM and "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom". (2 Cor. 3:17)

so, as i sort through blogging topics, those things that i feel God is pouring into my heart, i want to encourage you, sweet mama, to "throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles" and run, full on, without abandon, towards Jesus "the author and perfecter of our faith". (hebrews 12:1-3) and the only way we can do this, the only way we can know the "good, pleasing and perfect will" of God (romans 12:2) is by "fixing our eyes on Jesus".

at the beginning of every day, let us commit our schedules, our errands, our words, our every thought to the Lord. invite Him into every situation. ask Him to bathe our day in grace.

in every decision, big or small, pray "God, reveal to me Your perfect will". then make a choice. and TRUST Him. believe it or not, He can work with our dumb mistakes. (romans 8:28) SUCH a relief.

let us rest in the freedom He provides, through His Holy Spirit, to those who belong to Him.

let us go forth in boldness and confidence, assured that He will provide the words to speak, and the compassionate ears to hear, at just the right moment with just the right person.

that he would Divinely intervene in the midst of our day and He would give us the grace to know it, to see it and be THANKFUL for it.

that we would not be bound by fear of man (or woman) and be FREE to "live, and move and have our being" in the grace and mercy He abundantly provides.

that we would provide refreshment and grace for those we meet on our mutual journeys, no matter where we are in the process, valley or mountaintop. to refrain from judgment and scrutiny, and pray fervently for our fellow sisters in Christ as we strive to be the best wives, mamas, friends, daughters, and servants we can be. to love each other like crazy and embrace each other, flaws and all.

what a blessing you are to me, dear friends. love y'all.

"You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast
because they trust in You.
trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD, the LORD Himself
is the Rock eternal." psalm 26:3-4

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you're back...you always know the right things to say at the most appropriate times. Love ya girl!
