Saturday, March 26, 2011

we have a winner!

congratulations tami nantz!!!! :)

i have to tell you about this girl. she and i have never ever met in person but it feels like i've known her forever. :) we met after i commented on the blog that she started prior to the 2008 presidential election "moms for sarah palin" (now i don't know what your political leanings are or what your personal feelings may be towards sarah palin but i love her - i don't necessarily think she's ready to be our next president but i think she's a phenomenal woman and amazing mom! hopping off the soapbox now. lol) so anyway, tami responded back to me, we struck up a friendship, and she even let me post on the blog a couple times! i almost flew out to meet her when she was being featured in an interview by CNN (yep, CNN.) on her blog and conservative women's role in the election, but i couldn't. (darn kids and all.) i just KNOW that we WILL meet some day and if not HERE then maybe our mansions can be near each other in Heaven. (or washington, d.c. - whichever comes first! lol!!) PLEASE check out her blog if you are conservatively inclined :) (or even if you're not - Lord knows we had plenty with opposing views chime in on the blog, didn't we tami? sheesh...) i've added tami's blog in my list of favorite links because apparently i don't know how to add it to the body of this post. (hi. i'm new here.)

and if you hadn't noticed, i added a little 1985 to the playlist :) since it's officially spring break and all i decided we needed the gogos to help usher in the festivities :) especially since i slept like crap last night, i've been up watching infomercials and "intervention" since 4:15am and now i'm eating doughnuts - i've gained approximately 12 lbs in the last 27 minutes and my keyboard is smattered with powdered sugar. if that doesn't scream SPRING BREAK i don't know what does. :/

love you girls! (and guys, right george??) have a wonderful weekend - i do plan on bouncing back by 2pm or so today :) maybe i'll have an apple. do a lunge or two. get dressed. something exciting like that. :)

congrats tami!! send me your address, dear one so i can get this cute necklace sent off to you. before i forget and start wearing it around town. :)


  1. yea for tami!!! super excited for her (since it couldn't be ME). :) and double YEA for the go-gos!!

  2. Yay!! So thrilled to actually win something for a change. Thanks for the sweet words, Jen. Love how God used the blog to ignite so many friendships...and I do intend to meet you this side of Heaven. Somehow, some way. It WILL happen. :)
